A Checklist: Creating a Sustainable Life Sciences hub in your asset

June 18, 2024

3 minute read

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Sustainability is a critical factor in the management and development of life sciences facilities. These buildings, known for their high energy and resource requirements due to stringent environmental control needs, present unique challenges. Here’s a practical checklist for commercial real estate owners and operators looking to enhance sustainability in their life sciences facilities.

1. Energy Efficiency Measures

  • Upgrade to energy-efficient HVAC systems designed specifically for lab environments to reduce energy consumption while maintaining precise temperature and humidity control.
  • Install LED lighting throughout the facility, including motion sensors to reduce electricity usage in less frequented areas.

2. Water Conservation

  • Implement low-flow fixtures in restrooms, labs, and cleaning facilities to reduce water usage.
  • Recycle water where possible, using it for landscaping and other non-potable applications.

3. Waste Management

  • Develop a comprehensive recycling program that includes not only typical office waste but also specialized lab equipment that can be refurbished or recycled.
  • Provide clear labeling and education on waste segregation to ensure proper disposal of recyclable, hazardous, and non-recyclable waste.

4. Sustainable Building Materials

  • Use sustainable materials in both new builds and renovations, such as recycled materials, certified wood, and low-emission paints and coatings.
  • Choose furniture and cabinetry that is durable, repairable, and ideally made from recycled or sustainably sourced materials.

5. Smart Building Technologies

  • Integrate a building management tools that optimize energy and water use across the facility. Smart sensors and IoT devices can monitor conditions in real time and adjust the building's systems to operate at peak efficiency.
  • Leverage data analytics to monitor performance and identify areas for improvement. Tools that consolidate data from various building systems can provide actionable insights into resource utilization.

6. Indoor Environmental Quality

  • Maintain high indoor air quality with advanced filtration systems and regular maintenance of air ducts to ensure a healthy environment for sensitive research and laboratory work.
  • Incorporate biophilic design elements, such as living walls or natural light, which can enhance worker productivity and well-being.

7. Renewable Energy Sources

  • Consider onsite renewable energy generation, such as solar panels or wind turbines, to offset some of the facility’s energy demands.
  • Purchase green power from your utility to cover additional energy needs, which supports renewable energy development.

8. Employee Engagement and Training

  • Engage with tenants and staff regularly about sustainability goals and practices. Educational workshops and regular communications can foster a culture of sustainability.
  • Incentivize green practices among tenants, such as rewarding labs or teams that achieve reductions in energy or waste.


Implementing sustainable practices in life sciences facilities requires a comprehensive approach that covers everything from building design to daily operations. By following this checklist, property managers can ensure their buildings not only support the critical work of their tenants but also contribute to broader environmental goals.

Interested in integrating advanced technologies to enhance the sustainability of your asset? Discover how the Equiem platform can streamline your operations and help achieve your green initiatives. Book a demo to learn more about our solutions tailored for the unique needs of your life sciences tenants.