The Ultimate Checklist for CRE: Optimizing your Request Management

August 20, 2024

2 minute read

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Effective Request Management is a cornerstone of successful property management. Whether you're managing a single building or a portfolio of properties, having a streamlined process in place is essential. This checklist will guide landlords and property managers on how to optimize their Request Management system, ensuring efficiency and tenant satisfaction.

1. Centralize Your Request System

The first step in optimizing your Request Management is centralizing all tenant requests into one platform. Equiem offers a unified ops solution where tenants, property managers, and contractors can communicate and track requests seamlessly. This eliminates the confusion of multiple channels and ensures all requests are addressed promptly.

2. Set Clear Roles and Responsibilities

Defining roles within your Request Management system is crucial for smooth operations. Equiem's Request Management allows you to configure roles such as Property Managers, Request Managers, and Contractors, ensuring that every request is handled by the right person with the appropriate level of access.

3. Implement Automated Escalation Procedures

To prevent any request from being overlooked, establish automated escalation procedures within your system. Equiem's ops solution enables property managers to set triggers for overdue or unresolved requests, ensuring timely resolution and maintaining tenant satisfaction.

4. Monitor and Report Performance

Regularly monitoring the performance of your Request Management system helps identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement. Equiem provides detailed reporting tools that allow you to track request history, measure response times, and analyze overall performance.

5. Train Your Team and Tenants

A Request Management system is only as good as the people using it. Ensure that both your team and tenants are well-trained on how to use the system effectively. Equiem offers intuitive web and mobile interfaces that make it easy for everyone involved to navigate and utilize the system.


Optimizing your Request Management system doesn’t have to be daunting. By following this checklist and leveraging a comprehensive platform like Equiem, you can streamline operations, enhance tenant satisfaction, and ensure smooth property management. Interested in learning more? Discover the full capabilities of Equiem's Ops solution here.

Topics: Ops