Proptech solutions that prioritize safety, convenience, and flexibility are critical to the next-generation workplace. Touchless access control (54.1%), Indoor Air Quality systems (37.8%), and flex space options (37.1%) are among the highest-rated features desired by our base of global occupiers.
Hosted on Equiem’s market-leading tenant experience platform, this annual report provides critical insights that will help commercial landlords create their visions for the workplace of the future. It examines the changing landscape of customer service in CRE, the differing wants and needs of customers in Equiem’s three regions, and how technology has impacted the lives of hybrid-working occupiers over the last 18 months.
Find out why tenant experience technology is more important than ever in connecting with, and enriching the lives of, isolated and overworked occupiers.
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Highlights of the report:
In Australia, the best-rated workplaces are preferable to remote working. The majority (44%) of occupiers said they would work in the office more often if their office was rated to be one of the best in the world. 33% said remote working would always be better for them, and 22% said they were unsure. Globally, remote working is rated on average as more valuable, but this is not necessarily a permanent state: More than half of occupiers are open to spending most of their time in an office that caters to their needs.
What does that office look like? When asked to describe their ideal offices, occupiers rated relaxation zones (49.2%), fewer desks (34.4%), and more workout areas (34.3%) highest among the desired features.
After COVID-19, people want the office to be a hub for community and productivity. 73% of occupiers said the main purpose of the office is to stay connected to colleagues; the second-highest-rated purpose (70%) was a ‘place for collaboration’.
Tenant experience platforms are key in providing both safety and enrichment. Even in the vaccinated world, occupiers want regular updates on COVID-19 (66.8%). Tenants also want their platforms to provide competitions (51%), good news stories (42.6%), and wellness events on remote working days (34%).
Two-thirds (66%) of occupiers said their Equiem platform is their preferred tool for staying up-to-date on their building and, in particular, safety guidelines. Landlords keep in contact with occupiers using a mix of news updates, email newsletters, and digital screens, all coordinated using the Equiem CMS.
Occupiers are finally adjusting to remote working, but remote fatigue is a concern. 46.35% of occupiers said they are more productive when working remotely, compared with 33.64% in May 2020. Conversely, the amount of people who say they are just as productive in the home as in the office has dropped: 39.61% in 2021, compared to 47.86% in 2020.