Levelling up the life science community at Babraham Research Campus

See how we're elevating campus life through comms segmentation and resource booking tools


Babraham Research Campus


Babraham Research Campus

Equiem Solutions




Front entrance of Babraham Research Campus

Creating a central communications hub

Babraham Research Campus sought to enhance the tenant experience by creating a central communications hub for all campus occupants. Goals included sparking collaboration and knowledge sharing between companies, while enabling tenants to contribute updates to the broader community.


Blending engagement with critical FM

We delivered a branded app meeting Babraham’s objectives. It provided a digital space for community building along with critical FM functionalities like equipment booking. The platform enabled centralized messaging while streamlining event promotion and operations. This blended an engaging front-end with robust back-end capabilities.

Woman on laptop in public space



Strong early adoption across metrics

In the first month, nearly 800 users registered and actively engaged with awareness, community and commerce features. Over 150 RSVP’d to events while likes and comments showed community interaction. Notably, over 800 bookings demonstrated adoption of the operational tools. With such strong initial traction, Babraham is positioned to foster even deeper campus connections.

Our partnership with Equiem will enable us to provide an enhanced experience by offering a central communication hub that fosters innovation, knowledge sharing and collaboration vital to the continued success of Babraham Research Campus.

Derek Jones


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